Are You Ready To Monetize An Online Offer In 2022?!
If “yes” firstly, I am so excited for you! Creating & launching an online offer will not only serve as an additional revenue stream for your business, but it will also allow you & your business to make a larger impact outside of your current clientele.
But the most important thing to remember when preparing to put your offer out into the world (and the one thing so many people overlook when entering this space?)
Creating Your Offer Is Only 50% Of The Process
So many of us can get excited and think, “As soon as I’ve completed my offer, I can put it out into the world and change the world because of it!” When, in reality, there are a lot of necessary steps in between for your offer to have the ability to make that impact.
So what are the other 3 non-negotiable steps to launch your online offer?
An airtight funnel built for the customer experience
A funnel will allow your ideal client to go through one of two experiences. Either, that ideal client will go through the process of becoming an actual client, or they will continue to be supported to enter their customer journey through another one of your routes.
A targeted marketing strategy
You can have an incredible offer, but if the marketing around your offer does not create a strong & compelling argument FOR it, your offer will just become white noise in a saturated space.
A warm, nurtured audience to launch to
Even if you do have the best offer in the world, if you haven’t shown support to or built trust with your audience by previously serving them, they are going to ask, “Why this offer? Why now?” Nurture your audience with so much free, high-value content so that, when you launch, they are ready to tap the checkout button.
Are you itching to create a high-performing launch strategy required to start monetizing your online offer in 2022?
If “yes” boy do my team and I have the gift for you!
To make sure you have an offer ready to start monetizing in 2022, we want to gift you something special. So, through this holiday season, our doors are opening for FREE triage calls! These are strategic 15-minute calls where you’ll walk away with the tangible & actionable next steps needed to create your online offer!
Availability for these calls is limited, so click here to book yours today!