The Limiting Belief I Hear From Business Owners Itching To Enter The Online Space?
“My experience and specialty won’t translate well online. It will lose its magic.”
So many times, I join a Zoom call with an offline business owner and this is one of the first phrases I hear them say. Although they would love to enter the online space and know how vital it is to retain their relevance, it feels like a challenge.
Whether that’s because they are unsure of how to build an audience to sell to or an offer to sell- the online space can feel intimidating.
As An Offline Business Owner, It Can Feel Like…
When the idea of entering the online space is thrown around, I hear so many offline business owners repeat slightly different iterations of the same limiting belief. And oftentimes, it sounds like:
“My experience & specialty won’t translate well online.”
“What I teach has to be done in person. If not, it will lose its magic.”
“The energy in the room just can’t be duplicated in the online space.”
“I need to be able to create a connection with my audience and that can’t be done through an online offer.”
But the limiting belief that’s at the root of all of these?
That you won’t have the ability to create the experience you have worked so hard to create in reality in the digital space. Now, can we admit that there is a certain type of magic that happens when you are belly to belly with your client? Absolutely.
But the secret about the digital space? There is actually a completely different type of magic that happens online.
The Truth? You Can Create Magic In The Digital Space.
This different type of magic in the digital space is one that has greater potential. Greater potential to be more equally available. Greater potential to both grow in impact. And greater potential to scale in size.
This magic gives you the opportunity to reach a larger audience. And thus, it gives you the opportunity to fill more seats than you would ever be able to in person. Because, when you bring your experience into the online space, you make that experience more available to more individuals globally.
Another benefit of bringing your offer into the digital space is the level of comfortability your audience will feel.
Having an online offer allows your audience to participate in your experience in an environment that is comfortable for them personally- home. And when individuals are more comfortable, they are more likely to be more open. And when individuals are more open, they will welcome more of your experience into themselves.
This leaves them on full by the end and ready to come back to refill when the next opportunity arises.
Are You Ready To Finally Translate Your Specialty Into The Online Space?
If so, then you need to be inside of Launch Accelerator!
Launch Accelerator is our immersive experience, created to support you through the entire online offer process. From offer ideation to launch, we will be right there to support & see your offer through to the finish line.
And currently, our doors are open for Launch Accelerator triage calls! These are strategic 15-minute calls made so you’re able to walk away with tangible & actionable next steps necessary to create your online offer!
Availability for these calls is limited, so click here to book yours today!