Why Does Serving LESS Lead To MORE Success?
So often as professionals, we want to give everything to our clients.
We see all of the potential they have. We want to set them up for success. We want to share everything we know with them. We want to give them all of the solutions that we know they need. And we want to serve it all to them on a silver platter, perfectly packaged into one online offer.
But by doing that, we end up confusing our ideal client even more!
So, why does giving them EVERY solution they could possibly need lead them to feel lost and confused?
Because Humans Can Only Change One Behavior At A Time
This means that – number 2- they only invest in one solution at a time.
Too much overwhelms. Too much leaves them feeling like it’s impossible to succeed- because they can’t do it all. And lastly, too much leads them to give up.
So this is your reminder that, if you’re wanting more success stories & to create more of an impact, the key is to focus on less and go deeper.
Are you ready to gain extreme clarity on exactly how to create an online offer that solves one problem, in depth, for your ideal client?
If “yes” my team and I are here to support and help you in hitting the ground running on your online offer! And to make sure you have an offer ready to start monetizing in 2022, we want to gift you something special.
Starting now through the holiday season, our doors are opening for FREE launch accelerator triage calls! These are strategic 15-minute calls where you’ll walk away with the tangible & actionable next steps needed to create your online offer.
Availability for these calls is limited, so click here to book yours today!