You’ve decided you are ready to bring your life’s work online in order to impact more people across the globe. Congratulations! This is an exciting step towards scaling your business with a profitable online course or program.
At this point, you may be trying to determine how exactly to package up your expertise and offer it as a digital product. Because you do very intuitive work, it may be difficult to envision exactly how to bridge the gap and ensure your students are still experiencing transformation as if they were visiting you in person. There are a few questions I encourage you to consider in order to map out your online offer:
1. What is already working? What have your clients or students already purchased from you? These are proven offers that people have already shown they are willing to invest in.
2. What has your community already expressed interest in? Maybe your one-on-one clients have consistently brought up a certain area that they need additional help with. This has potential, even if you haven’t created it yet.
3. Who is on your email list already? You will want to consider how long you’ve had your email list, and how exactly the individuals included got on it. You will have a different level of connection with these people depending on your answer!
4. Who knows you today that you can release an offer to? If you are transitioning from a corporate career to coaching in the online space, I encourage you to audit the assets you do have working for you. In this case, it is the people who know you and would be willing to refer you to their contacts. If you have been teaching in an in-person setting, I want you to consider who you can convert onto your email list today.
5. What is recurring and timeless? In your past client work, what do you find yourself repeating? These topics make for strong digital content.
6. Can your past clients move into this digital offer? It is much easier to sell something to someone who has already invested in you once.
Ultimately, your business is built on a series of campaigns: increasing your exposure and visibility, offering your solution to your audience, and having people say yes to your offer. This repeatable cycle is how you leverage your existing assets (the assets you identified answering the questions above!) in order to build upon what you’ve learned and grow with each launch.