Lesson 2: Audience Clarity (Video Lesson)

Audience Clarity v2.mp4




1. Am I behind if I do not have an email list?

No! All of our students come in at different stages, and we tailor our approach to your specific needs and launch.

2. Why do you prefer email?

It’s a marketing channel that you own. Yes, you can have social media, but you don’t own your followers. With social media you cannot see who is seeing your content, clicking your links, and engaging with you to the extent that you are able to with an email list. 

3. I’m worried about getting TOO specific with my niche.

Don’t be! “Niche” does not mean small. You will be able to attract more of your ideal clients as you become more specific with your niche. You want to solve a specific problem for those who serve, but you need to define who has this problem in order to market to them.