Setting Up a Webinar

Learn how to set-up a webinar from back end to front end; including 1) setting up your webinar in Zoom, 2) connecting Zoom to your email marketing system (such as Mailchimp, Ontraport or Infusionsoft), 3) building your webinar page in LeadPages (what visitors will see) and, finally, 4) connecting yourLeadPageswebinar page to your email marketing system. Alternatively, you can use a program called Zapier to connect your email marketing system to Zoom. 

Setting Up a Webinar PDF Guide


Setting up a webinar is a big process, but once you’ve done it once, it’s easy to copy the sequence for future webinars. Your attendees will never know what’s going on behind-the-scenes — they only see the beautiful LeadPages page you’ve created.

Let’s take this one step at a time…don’t get overwhelmed, it will be up before you know it!

STEP 1: Zoom
Create the webinar in Zoom following this video tutorial:

STEP 2: Your Email Service Provider
Once you’ve created the webinar in Zoom, you’ll want to create either:
  A) Form in Ontraport
  B) Tag in Infusionsoft
  C) List in MailChimp
  D) Equivalent in your email service provider

If you’re using Infusionsoft or Ontraport, here are two videos to show you how to set them up (if you don’t want to get too tech-heavy, you can just create the form (Ontraport) OR tag (Infusionsoft), and ignore the second half of this video, and use Step 4: Zapier instead of connecting to Zoom within your email system.)

Setting up the webinar back-end in Infusionsoft: 

Click here for instructions from Infusionsoft of exactly what links/information to use while connecting to Zoom.

Setting up the webinar back-end in Ontraport:

Click here for instructions from Ontraport of exactly what links/information to use while connecting to Zoom.

STEP 3: LeadPages
Now that you’ve created the back end of the webinar, let’s create the front end — what your clients will see! Follow this video to set up your webinar page in LeadPages and connect it to your email service provider.

STEP 4 (Optional): Zapier
If you didn’t already connect your email service provider to send the contact information to Zoom via a ping or campaign sequence, follow this video to use Zapier, an additional program that will send the information from your email service provider to Zoom.

STEP 5: Test!
Perhaps the most important part! DO NOT send out your webinar link to ANYONE without testing it first! Make sure you receive the automated email from Zoom and you see your name on the list of registrants in the Zoom webinar list.

Congratulations! You just set up a webinar! Follow these steps again to set up future webinars, and/or copy the ones you’ve already created while changing the numbers and details to be applicable to your new webinar.